Ignacio J. Duran

Assistant Professor at IQS School of Management, Univ. Ramon Llull


Why does context really matter? Understanding companies’ dialogue with fringe communities

Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran

Sustainability, vol. 13(2), 2021, p. 999

When is escalation of commitment unstoppable in group settings? An iterative economic modeling approach to unveil the dark side of group decision‐making

Alejandro Montecinos‐Pearce, Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran

Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 41(8), 2020, pp. 1387-1402

Do employees value strategic CSR? A tale of affective organizational commitment and its underlying mechanisms

Pablo Rodrigo, Claudio Aqueveque, Ignacio J. Duran

Business Ethics: A European Review, vol. 28(4), 2019, pp. 459-475

Be bad but (still) look good: Can controversial industries enhance corporate reputation through CSR initiatives?

Claudio Aqueveque, Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran

Business Ethics: A European Review, vol. 27(3), 2018, pp. 222-237

Does it really pay to be good, everywhere? A first step to understand the corporate social and financial performance link in Latin American controversial industries

Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran, Daniel Arenas

Business Ethics: A European Review, vol. 25(3), 2016, pp. 286-309